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Capital market debut! Skyco Leasing successfully issued the first phase of 2022 corporate bonds
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  • 2022.09.07
On September 7th, Skyco Leasing successfully issued corporate bonds for professional investors in 2022 (the first phase) on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, with a scale of 350 million yuan, a maturity of 3 years and a coupon rate of 3.48%. Guotai Junan Securities acted independently as the lead underwriter and book runner for the current bond.

Skyco leasing subject credit and debt ratings are AA+. As Skyco's first show in the leasing bond market, this bond has won strong support and active subscription from banks and non-bank investors. The successful issuance of this bond reflects the company's high recognition in the capital market and lays a solid foundation for the company to expand financing channels.

Skyco Leasing is an aircraft financial leasing company jointly established by Hengjian Holding and domestic and foreign institutional investors. As the only aviation technology platform in Guangdong Province, Skyco Leasing has the glorious mission of promoting the high-quality development of the aviation industry in Guangdong Province. In the next step, Skyco Leasing will take this bond issue as an opportunity to promote the issuance of the second phase of corporate bonds, in order to ensure the financial security of the company, and promote the transformation, upgrading and innovative development of the company's operation.
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